Executive Summary of Problems at TMI-1

Boric Acid Problems:

(Also please refer to "Problems with the Reactor Vessel".)

Emergency Diesel Generator Problems:

Emergency Feedwater Problems:

Emergency Preparedness & Evacuation Planning Problems (Including chronic siren malfunctions)f:

On September 5, 2002, Three Mile Island Alert filed a formal Petition for Rulemaking with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to include day-care centers and nursery schools in emergency evacuation planning. The proposed rule would affect all 103 operating nuclear plants in the United States. The Petition is opposed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Environmental Racism:

Fire Protection:

Fitness for duty:


On August 6, 2003, t he NRC released NUREG 1774 which documented a 60% increase in fuel load drop events from 1993 to 2002. The Report found half of the incidents involved moving fuel assemblies at spent fuel pools, and greater risks for heavy load drops were at Boiling Water Reactors like Susquehanna. (The Report #ML033060160 can be accessed through ADAMs.)

"Housekeeping", Design & Procedural Issues:

Non-Cited Severity Level III & IV Violations:

Since July 17, 1998, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued 30 Non-Cited Violations and one "Apparent Violation" to Three Mile Island Unit-1's owners and operators: AmerGen. Based on calculations prepared by the Nuclear Energy Institute, the average cost to a company to respond to a Notice of Violation is $50,000. The NRC has saved AmerGen at least $1,550,000 by "defining" 30 Violations at as "Non-Cited Violations".

Radioactive Waste Discharges, Misclassifications, Problems, Releases and Returned Waste Shipments:

Radiation Monitoring & Worker Contamination:

Please refer to the Annual Report and Newsletters of the EFMR Monitoring Group for more detailed information for radiation releases into the environment.

(Also refer to "Radioactive Waste").

Reactor Vessel:

AmerGen will replace the original Reactor Vessel head during the refueling outage of October, 2003. See April 2, 2002, for background information.

(Also please refer to "Boric Acid Challenges".)

River Water Problems:

(Also refer to "Steam Generator problems" and "Water Chemistry Problems".)

Steam Generator Problems & Tubes Removed from Service:

(Also refer to "River Water Problems" and "Water Chemistry Problems".)

Water Chemistry Problems:

(Also refer to "River Water Problems" and "Steam Generator Problems".)