
From the Mainichi Daily News:

The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has released a new map showing the spread of radiation from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant across 10 prefectures, including Tokyo and Kanagawa.

The map released on Oct. 6 shows levels of radioactive cesium (cesium-137 and cesium-134) that have accumulated in soil in the prefectures of Yamagata, Miyagi, Fukushima, Tochigi, Gunma, Ibaraki, Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa and Tokyo.

The map shows 30,000 to 60,000 becquerels of radioactive cesium per square meter of soil in the areas of Higashikanamachi, Mizumotokoen and Shibamata in Tokyo's Katsushika Ward, as well as some parts of Kitakoiwa in Tokyo's Edogawa Ward.

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A manufacturer of dozens of boiling water nuclear reactors in the country, including many on the East Coast, warned the Nuclear Regulatory Commission last year and reiterated last week that earthquakes could hinder its reactors from shutting down.

GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, which manufactured the boiling water reactors at Oyster Creek, Hope Creek and two plants in Pennsylvania, said that an earthquake could prevent rods that cool the reactor from being inserted.

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Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 – Issuance of Amendments Re: Liquid Nitrogen Storage (TAC Nos. ME4131 and ME4132)
ADAMS Accession No.: ML112570049


Summary of June 14, 2011, Meeting with Exelon Re: Proposed Amendment Request to Implement an Extended Power Uprate

ADAMS Accession No.: ML111740739


From the Union of Concerned Scientists:

History has shown—most recently with the Fukushima disaster in Japan—that accidents happen. But those responsible for U.S. nuclear power safety and security—Congress, the White House, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the nuclear industry—continue to offer overly optimistic assurances that everything is fine and everyone is safe.

In fact, they could and should be doing much more to protect Americans from a nuclear accident, and their failure to address known threats is a recipe for disaster. For example:

Radioactive fuel rods are stored in hazardous conditions at all 104 U.S. nuclear reactors

More than 40 of the 104 reactors fail to meet basic fire safety standards that have been in place for years

A dozen plants have not even fully implemented terrorism prevention requirements—10 years after 9/11

Nuclear reactors currently supply nearly 20 percent of America's electricity needs, and that won't change anytime soon. What has to change is the attitude of the people entrusted with keeping Americans safe.

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From the Daily Yomiuri:

Tokyo Electric Power Co. has begun preparations to sell off assets, including company residences and recreation facilities, through four trust banks to raise money for compensation related to the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant crisis, it has been learned.


From BBC News:

German industrial and engineering conglomerate Siemens is to withdraw entirely from the nuclear industry.

The move is a response to the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in March, chief executive Peter Loescher said.

He told Spiegel magazine it was the firm's answer to "the clear positioning of German society and politics for a pullout from nuclear energy".

"The chapter for us is closed," he said, announcing that the firm will no longer build nuclear power stations.

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Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 – Issuance of Amendment Re: Maximum Allowable Power with Inoperable Main Steam Safety Valves (TAC No. ME4808)

ADAMS Accession No.: ML112360581

