TMI Update: Jan 14, 2024

Did you catch "The Meltdown: Three Mile Island" on Netflix?
TMI remains a danger and TMIA is working hard to ensure the safety of our communities and the surrounding areas.
Learn more on this site and support our efforts. Join TMIA. To contact the TMIA office, call 717-233-7897.


Re: Amended Testimony: Amazon Data Services, Inc. Project Facility: PHL100 Data Center Campus, Salem
Township, Luzerne County, Pa. Application for consumptive use of up to 0.060 mgd (30-day average)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: IV-24-014 September 9, 2024
Contact: Victor Dricks, 817-200-1128

NRC Begins Special Inspection at South Texas Project Nuclear Power Plant

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has begun a special inspection at the South Texas Project nuclear power plant in response to two recent events there. The first occurred May 12 when a transformer that supplies offsite power to the station shut down unexpectedly, causing an unplanned shutdown of Unit 2. The second event occurred July 24 when a fire in an electrical switchyard at the site caused an unplanned shutdown of Unit 1.
During each event, there were unexpected safety equipment issues that the NRC will review. “While these events didn’t present a threat to public health and safety, we want to conduct a thorough review of the circumstances that led to these unplanned shutdowns,” said Region IV Administrator John Monninger. “We will review the company’s actions in response to these events and determine whether appropriate steps are being taken to address equipment issues.”
During both events, NRC resident inspectors, permanently stationed at the plant, independently monitored plant conditions, reviewed the company’s initial corrective actions, and monitored the plant’s restart several days later.
An inspection report will be issued about 45 days after the inspection is completed and will be available on the NRC website.
INTEGRATED INSPECTION REPORT 05000277/2024002 AND 05000278/2024002

ADAMS Accession No. ML24227A549
The press conference was well attended and available 
on Rock the Capital’s Facebook page and the 
Pennsylvania Cable 
Three Mile Island Press conference | RocktheCapital
Recorded live
[Today] State Capitol news conference on 
the proposed reopening of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant
Location: State Capitol Time: 5:50 p.m.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 24-068 September 3, 2024
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200

NRC Finds No Significant Environmental Impacts for Hermes 2 Test Reactor Facility Construction Permit Application

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has published its final environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact for Kairos Power’s application for construction permits to build the dual unit Hermes 2 test reactor project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Concurrently, the agency issued exemptions for Hermes 2 from NRC regulations that require an environmental impact statement to support construction permits for test facilities. The site was previously evaluated with an environmental impact statement for the Hermes 1 test reactor, which the staff believed was sufficient to support the exemption. The environmental assessment considered potential impacts of aspects unique to the Hermes 2 project.
The staff will provide the Hermes 2 environmental assessment and its safety evaluation of the project to the Commission for the final phase of the licensing process. The Commission will determine if the staff’s review supports the findings necessary to issue the permits and vote on whether to authorize their issuance.
The proposed Hermes 2 project would be two fluoride salt-cooled, high-temperature reactors. Kairos Power submitted its application for construction permits in July 2023. The company will need to submit a separate application for Hermes 2 operating licenses in the future.
Bailout Bonanza. 
Eric Epstein
September 3, 2024 
It wasn’t long ago that Pennsylvania politicians 
approved deregulation and embraced the market place.
It wasn’t long ago that TMI couldn’t compete in the 
market place, and lost $300 million over eight years.
It wasn’t long ago that nuclear utilities received a $9 billion bailout to help nuclear power transition to a competitive market.
The market has spoken, but politicians aren’t listening.
Constellation will have the support of President Biden,
Governor Shapiro, labor, and the legislature for another bailout.
The proposed restart of the Three Mile Island Unit-1 will require at least a $1.8 billion bailout, and a long-term power purchase agreement. (Palisades began operating in 1971; 805 mw.)
This would mark the fourth bailout for Three Mile Island.
Nuclear bailouts are expensive and have two constant threads:  Nuclear power can’t compete in the market place, and rate payers get the bill and higher electric prices. 
Bailout, #1:  TMI-2 experienced a core melt accident
after 90 days of operation. Rate payers and tax payers 
came to the rescue. 
TMI-2 received $987 million to defuel the melted core 
under a plan coordinated by former Governor Dick Thornburgh. 
We protected TMI from bankruptcy. Most of the fuel was removed, but Unit-2 remains a high-level, radioactive waste site.
How did TMI show their gratitude? 
TMI-2 pays no taxes, reduced their insurance coverage, and eliminated their emergency plan.
Alternative: The Solana Generating Station in Arizona completed in 2013 can produce up to 280 megawatts and supply 55,000 homes. 
The Department of Energy sponsored a $967 million loan guarantee.
Bailout #2: In 1995 the Pennsylvania Supreme Court reversed
a lower court’s decision, and allowed GPU to charge rate payers
for the cleanup of the TMI-2 accident. Yes, we got the cleanup bill, for a plant that operated for 90 days. The plant remains a high-level radioactive waste site.
In case you had forgotten, the nuclear industry failed to establish decommissioning funds for an accident they promised could not happen. The current cost to decommission TMI-2 – which will be totally underwritten by rate payers – was determined by the 
Nuclear Regulatory Commission to be $1.27 billion in 2018.
TMI-2 now plans to “pause” the clean-up at TMI-2 due to 
a lack of funds. 
The cost to defuel TMI-2 – and potentially clean up the site – has cost rate payers and tax payers $2.357 billion or $28,188.88 million for each day the reactor operated.
Alternative: In December 2010, the Department of Energy issued a $1.3 billion partial loan guarantee under the Financial Institution Partnership Program to finance Shepherds Flat, an 845-mw wind power generation project located in eastern Oregon. It reached full commercial operations in November 2012.
Bailout, #3: In 1996 the Pennsylvania Legislature passed the Electricity Customer Choice and Competition Act. The law restructured the electric industry, separating the generation of electricity from its distribution and transmission 
Utilities claimed they were saddled with “stranded costs” from nuclear power plants due to their cost overruns. Limerick-1went
from an estimated cost of $1.7 billion in 1984 to $7.246 billion. Limerick-2 cost 7.5 times more that the initial estimate of $382 million. The final cost was $2.9 billion.
Nuclear utilities received $9 billion in the deregulation bailout that took consumers a decade to pay off. Keep in mind, these payments were meant to help nuclear power generators transition to competitive markets. 
The construction of TMI-1 and TMI-2 were underwritten by rate payers at a cost of $1.1 billion. The first two bailouts for TMI-2 cost rate payers $2.257 billion.
When you factor the cost rate payers paid to bail out TMI-2, and build both units, the bill is $3.357 billion.
What did we get for their investment? Seven hundred tons of nuclear garbage at TMI-1, and a high-level radioactive waste 
at TMI-2.
Neither plant has been decommissioned.
Alternative: Hydro-Québec has announced its plans to create a $9-billion wind farm in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region in partnership with three Native American tribes. The farm will generate 3,000 mw.   
The $600 million Innu wind project will use province's hydro dams as backup power for when wind doesn't blow.
Tax payers keep bailing out Three Mile Island which means that rate payers keep losing out. Restarting Three Mile Island comes with a price tag, a rate increase, and 600 tons of additional spent fuel.
Pay it forward doesn’t mean piling up more radioactive garbage for
our grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great, great, grandchildren.
In the real world, when you create a catastrophe, you aren’t
bailed out, and given a tax-free nuclear mulligan. 
First things first. 
Is it too much to ask to clean up the mess you made 45 years ago?
Note: This information is not contained on the Department of Environmental Resources or Nuclear Caucus web sites which are funded tax payer dollars.
Hello community!
We hope you all are staying safe and healthy as temperatures start coming down and the kids are back in school. This month's update has some exciting news, important events, and more excellent watchdogging from our newsletter author, Jessie Collins.
Exciting Community Event! - Save the Date
First off, we have some very exciting news! Please SAVE THE DATE for Saturday, October 12th from 5-8pm! As you know, this year marks CRAFT’s first Community Fellowship and we’ve had the absolute pleasure of working with six brilliant, generous, and hardworking individuals in this fellowship. On October 12th, we will hold an event celebrating the culmination of our work together as an offering to the community, so please mark it in your calendars and come out to party with us! 
Wayne County Nuclear Waste Hearing
One of the biggest problems with the nuclear industry is that no one knows what to do with the radioactive waste it creates. It is disastrously hazardous to the workers who handle it and the people who live where it is dumped, and it’s not getting any less dangerous any time soon. Michigan is getting a wake-up call to this reality as nuclear waste that was generated during World War 2 is being transported from New York to Wayne County.
A meeting about this decision will be held this Wednesday, September 4th, at 6:00pm at Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD). Several agencies will be represented with the attendance of many state and local officials. Please come out and voice your opposition to this decision!
Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD)
Ted Scott Campus, Room B121, 9555 Haggerty Rd., Belleville
The following people/entities are expected to attend:
Rep. Debbie Dingell
Wayne County Executive Warren Evans
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Republic Services, Inc.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Other state and local officials
And now, for updates from the newsletter!
1. Heard this one before? DTE is requesting another rate hike. Every year for the past TEN years, DTE Energy has increased its rates for DTE Electric and DTE Gas. This year, they want an increase of $456.4 million for Electric and $266 million for Gas. Meanwhile, DTE is paying for private jets to fly their executives around the country. In 2022, they spent almost a quarter of a million dollars for only 17 trips. Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has been taking DTE to task for their outrageous requests when Michigan remains the second-worst state in the country for power outages.
2. Folks in every state – and maybe every country – are under a mistaken belief that Small Modular Reactors (SMR) are just waiting to solve their energy needs. Unfortunately, SMRs are not a reality yet, just unsuccessfully being developed. That’s right: they don’t exist. And yet, money and resources are being funneled into their development when carbon-free and lower-cost renewable technologies are available today. Oh, but how else will we increase our stockpile of 3,700 nuclear warheads in the US?
3. The Havasupai Tribe has issued an open letter calling out Energy Fuels Resources Inc. (EFRI) for its violations of indigenous territories with uranium mining and transportation of ore through Arizona. The dangerous handling of uranium ore endangers tribal members of the Havasupai and Navajo as well as Arizona citizens. EFRI has demonstrated a complete lack of regard for the health and safety of the land and all who live and depend on it in their pursuit of the almighty dollar. Read the full statement in this month’s insert.
Thanks for supporting us and a safer world powered by renewables.
We’re in this together!
Peace and Safety,
The CRAFT Team
Citizen's Resistance At Fermi Two (CRAFT) is an Indigenous-led, grassroots, organization, committed to an accessible, fair, and just energy future for all! CRAFT originally formed after the Christmas Day 1993 incident at the Fermi2 nuclear reactor that dumped 1.5 million gallons of untreated toxic, radioactive water into Lake Erie. We will continue to push for the closing of Fermi2, and for a safer world powered by renewables.
Docketed this morning - zip of three
Document Title:
Three Mile Island, Unit 2 Historic and Cultural License Amendment 68
Document Type:
Document Date:
NEI Security Plan partially closed meeting 9/5/2024
Document Title:
20240905 NRC Staff Review of Proposed Changes in NEI 03-12, Revision 8, Security Plan Template No Notes Meeting Slides
Document Type:
Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts
Slides and Viewgraphs
Document Date:
9:00AM -
11:00AM ET
Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for the NRC staff to provide initial feedback to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) regarding proposed changes in Revision 8 to NEI 03-12, Security Plan Template. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed

Jesse Rollins
(817) 200-1431

Justin Vazquez
(301) 415-0530
Security Check - Phone it in - Push for Remote Security - 9/11/2024
Document Title:
09/11/2024 Alternative Physical Security Requirements for Advanced Reactors Rulemaking: Public Comment Period
Document Type:
Meeting Notice
Meeting Agenda
Document Date:
1:00PM -
4:00PM ET
Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to present the published proposed rule alternative physical security requirements for advanced reactors (non-light water reactors and small modular reactors). This meeting will also allow an opportunity for stakeholders to ask clarification questions to help understand the proposed rule and to develop any public comments. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

Dennis Andrukat
(301) 415-3561
