Article published Aug. 13, 2009
NRC: Dry cask test was eliminated
By Louis Porter Vermont Press Bureau
MONTPELIER – The concrete-and-steel "dry casks" used at the Vermont Yankee plant to store spent nuclear fuel were not tested as completely as they should have been, according to federal regulators.
But the decision by Holtec International, the New Jersey company that built the casks, to omit one set of tests does not pose a safety risk, Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials said Wednesday. That's because there were other kinds of inspections done on those casks, and the waste stored in the casks is not as hot as allowed, meaning they are safe even though they were not tested with pressurized helium as required under a federal licensing agreement.
About 109 of the casks that were not completely tested are in use nationwide, including five at Vermont Yankee, regulators say.